Stephanie Butler is an artist working in 2D, 3D, and Digital media. 

"I adore innovation and I'm beguiled by great analog design and function. I love combining whimsy or surprise with poignant or pensive moments."  

Stephanie earned her BA, Teaching Credential, and MA in Art Education, learning from the best at CSULB, the largest, most comprehensive, and diverse School Of Art in the USA. She's a founding faculty member of two schools, starting and growing school Art programs from scratch.  She has taught in urban, suburban, and rural areas; at both large and small schools, in traditional public and in charter. Stephanie is a STEAM educator, continuing to learn and grow each year. 

In her thesis, Stephanie  experimented with how the measured creativity of student art works instructed in authentic assessment change after students are exposed to a quantitative data-driven instruction pedagogy. Two experiments were conducted for this study questioning the imposition of a convergent pedagogy on a mainly divergent domain, and questioning the need for such assessment. Read it on ResearchGate.